Submissions and the online public vote are now closed!

For the winners and runners up of the competition please see the Announcements page.

The EARTH2050 virtual gallery can still be viewed here and will be online until the 23rd of November. Please see the Announcements page for further info!

To view the gallery of work from our professional artists Dan Lewis and Kelly Stanford, click here.


– EARTH2050 Team

Calling all citizens of the Earth!

Do you have a vision of the not-too-distant future?

Do you think that you could portray the current threats to our global environment through the mediums of art/photography? 

Are you looking for an opportunity to showcase your creativity?

Look no further than: 

“EARTH2050: What will our world look like in 30 years?”

A virtual art/photography exhibition organised by the Energy and Environment Institute (University of Hull), Pint of Science and the Waterline Summit 2020
